Saturday, November 1, 2008

Can I change or get rid of the vendor logo in System Properties?

Can I change or get rid of the vendor logo in System Properties?QUESTION:This might sound silly, but I have a computer that I bought from HP and I hate having the HP logo on the System Properties page. I'd also love to be able to take out the manufacturer name and model number, but it's the logo I dislike most. Is there any way to remove it, or even better, replace it with a picture of my own? Thanks. - Bill M.ANSWER:Not so silly; I figured after all the updating of parts and changing out of peripherals on my computer, I should have my own name and picture there in the System properties, so I fixed it, with a photo of Tom and myself taken at the last MVP Summit, to look like this:'s how you do it:
First, create the picture you want to use in place of the logo. It needs to be 120 x 120 pixels, and saved as a bitmap. You can do this in most photo editing programs.
Now, open the registry editor and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ OEMInformation
In the right pane, double click the value labeled Logo and in the data value box, type in the full path where you saved your picture (for example, C:\ Users \ JoeSmith \ Documents \ Mypic.bmp)
Now the next time you open the System properties window, your photo should be there in place of the vendor logo. You can also change the information in the values labeled Manufacturer, Model, and SupportURL. Note that if you installed a retail version of Vista, these values won't appear in the right pane. In that case, you can create them. Right click in the right pane and select New, then String Value. Name the new value Logo, and proceed as directed above.

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